Age Number of Cases
0-9 1381
10-19 5402
20 1358
21 1410
22 1335
23 1366
24 1273
25 1238
26 1214
27 1206
28 1180
29 1125
30 1082
31 1026
32 1025
33 936
34 963
35 946
36 870
37 913
38 927
39 880
40 900
41 778
42 859
43 809
44 800
45 816
46 770
47 816
48 827
49 877
50 831
51 861
52 828
53 847
54 800
55 853
56 806
57 849
58 841
59 770
60 777
61 737
62 691
63 703
64 677
65 568
66 581
67 495
68 503
69 470
70 469
71 431
72 436
73 400
74 333
75 321
76 309
77 359
78 288
79 285
80-84 1203
85-89 1042
90+ 1114
Unknown 141

Labs are required by the Missouri Code of State Regulations to immediately report positive COVID-19 test results. As commercial labs increase their capacity for testing, we will continue to receive results from them requiring immediate verification of patient data for each result. Prompt efforts to protect the public’s health depends on this verification. Patient data from commercial labs is preliminary and subject to change following initial public health involvement.